U CAPP-by listening Mark’s ‘dominant form of communication’ I found myself stuck in between two generation gaps. As first was the generation ‘before’ presented by my parents who are still struggling with double click on the mouse and purpose of the ‘new age’ gadgets like: digital cameras, blue tooth, flash, i phone, i pod... and second presented by my daughter Vanja who do not understand why is the phone connected with a cord to some box with numbers instead of them being on the phone and all of that connected to the wall?!? And to her, with all her 3.5 years of age ,it’s perfectly normal to communicate with her dear cousins over Skype, send kisses and see them although they are in California and Holland, for her they are just click away. For her placing pointer finger on the mouse was born with skill and natural action.
So ‘WHO AM I?’. Do I belong to ucapp generation or I’m just spectator of these demon of mass media changes that I will no sooner than now learn from?
4 ’C’s- I liked the best the conclusion of Mark’s presentation as he explains the diversity between CHILD and ADULT educators. He starts with a big statement: WE MUST CHANGE! Oh yes how much we do have to change. By shifting from 3R’s to 4C’s we are making "… one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind." ;)
So as privileged to touch lives and help them locate their identities we child educators just have to wait for UCAPP generation to come and educate us !
Hello world!
4 years ago
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